05 June 2011


Thanks god that you're fine and i'm not so fine.

What am I doing right now. I don't know
Time will cure everything, so how long does it take?

thought of I'm strong enough to let go, brave enough to let you go.
Everything is not under control, brain are still functioning, pictures are still in my minds, memories that cannot be deleted, voices that cannot be forgotten, hugs and cares that always in my minded. 
I wished everything back to the normal again, is there any rewind button for me? I know there's no u-turn in our lives, like i care, I wish I can scroll into your cuddle right now,  but that's only exist in my dreams. Well, i wishes i will never awake from my dream.
Letting go isn't the way I want. I did not want it to end just like this. Anyway, I don't think that I have the chance :)
Thanks for telling me that I'm actually is just an idiot asshole who still believe we have the fate. I'm just nobody :)
Stop fooling yourself, zee